Friday, August 24, 2007

School is back in session!

You never quite understand the wonderful feeling of school starting again until you are a parent. I have spent three weeks trying to keep two children entertained at home since it has been hovering near 0 degrees for the past 2 weeks and after the holidays I have no interest in seeing a shopping mall for a while. Don't get me wrong - I have enjoyed doing things with both kids while they were home for the holidays. But it is a paradox because it can be exhausting trying to keep idle hands and minds from become too bored.

Since Thing 1 began going to school regularly, I have come to the conclusion that when any given child is alone with their parent, they are a dream to be with. Add another to the mix and it become a chemistry experiment gone awry. Sure, they love each other. I see it when Thing 1 defends Thing 2 as she gets in trouble or Thing 2 gives her brother an impromptu hug. But, if boredom gets in the way, watch out!

Boredom tends to bring on trouble - sibling strife now being the most popular form of trouble in my home. It goes something like this. One child becomes bored. They rely on you to find something for them to do. If you cannot accomplish that task quick enough, soon enough, you will hear the shrieking of your other child as child one decides to have fun by tearing up someone's LEGO creation or taking away their blanket. And as usual, the other child always started it - even in toddler babble!

Silence is never a good sign when a child is in the home. Silence usually means someone is up to no good. In the past three weeks, I heard the sounds of silence a lot and while I usually enjoy it, in this context, it was nerve-racking, especially when my youngest would go missing somewhere in the house. I would find her shortly after she had dragged all her blankets out of the drawer and had proceeded to drag them all over the floor. Then of course, came the screaming when I would pick up the blankets and give her only one - it's never the one they want is it? Other silent moments led me to find her going through my purse and pulling debit/credit cards out of my wallet. To avoid moments like this, we had art time, music time, looking through pictures, ball pit/tunnel time, etc. But there are only so many activities you can do before they (or you) lose interest.

Technology is your friend when you have two kids to entertain. Forget TV - all these websites with kid friendly programming are fantastic. Nick Jr. and Noggin were a big hit. I must have watched every video from Jack's Big Music Show. They have all these coloring pages you can print out. You can make music, read, etc. Both kids love watching animal videos on You Tube too and of course the Jib Jab animations over the holiday were fun and had to be played over and over. Thing 2 even learned how to replay it. Of course, being stuck in the house, you have to find some way to get the energy out. Nothing like giving the kids two soft pirate swords and unleashing the swashbucklers on each other. Keeps them entertained so they forget that you are there.

And the secret weapon - have a friend over! Bring in a third child to make things more interesting. Unfortunately, in our situation, most of Thing 1's friends were away for the holidays, but that first week, we took full advantage of anyone who was still home. Thing 1 and his friends play with each other and Thing 2 just follows them around trying to feel like she is part of the action. Your house is turned upside down and it looks like a hurricane came through, but at least it gives you another way to keep the kids busy - clean up time!

Thing 1 was very excited to go back to school. He is still at the age where school is enjoyable - no tests to study for or papers to write, etc. But, no one is more excited than us parents who send our eager children off to school today - at least through winter break!

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