Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas in Poland - Year 2

After not having my Christmas decorations last year, this Christmas season has been one of the best ever. Just opening my boxes with all the decorations was in itself like Christmas since we did not receive our shipment in time for Christmas last year. It was so much fun to decorate and watch Thing 2's face light up.

We got into the spirit by gathering and delivering donations to a local orphanage. This was a two fold project that involved giving and also clearing my house for the onslaught of toys that would soon be arriving. Do my children really need any more toys? NO. But this does not stop our well meaning family from spoiling them to pieces. On a more positive note, I see an end in sight since Thing 1's toy requests are becoming more expensive. I think we will be seeing a decline in quantity real soon. But not this year.

We have a tradition here where the kids get to open gifts from family on the 12 days prior to Christmas. This clears the way for Santa's gifts. This also keeps the Santa thing going since they have no reason to believe otherwise. But the real reason for this pre Christmas hoopla is to give us parents practice in opening those annoying twisty tie things that manufacturers use to bolt down toys.

This year, I think our families have gone over the top. I mean seriously is one gift not enough? Do people not realize that too many toys equals overwhelmed children and lots of donations of neglected toys the following year? I can't wait for the request for expensive ticket items (game systems, video games) coupled with retirement checks. The grandparents are simply going to have to be satisfied with giving the kids one gift each.

Unlike previous years however, I am done and ready for the holiday. Gifts are wrapped, food and water purchased. Come to think about it, except for the gifts, getting ready for holidays here is a little like preparing for a hurricane. The stores are closed for up to 4 days depending on when the holiday falls and the day prior people are making hurricane warning worthy lines to stock up on their last minute necessities.

I will be spending the next few days making cookies for Santa, decorating cookies and making edible snowmen since the snow has been a dud thus far this season. I can actually enjoy the holiday weekend rather than scramble about fighting crowds.

Happy Holidays!

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