Wednesday, November 1, 2006

It’s the end of Daylight Savings Time as we know it

Well, I knew this was coming and now it has arrived. With the end of daylight savings time, we have been thrust further into the darkness. Sunrise is now at about 6:30 and the sunsets (total darkness) by 4pm. That’s about 9 hours 15 minutes of daylight. I wish I could say this is the worst of it, but this is set to continue until the winter solstice when our daylight will “peak” at 7 hours 38 minutes and 17 seconds. How do I know this? Check out a site for the world clock.

With the darkness comes, SADness ( or Seasonal Affective Disorder/winter blues for you non psychology folk). This is a very big deal here. So much so that the Embassy Medical Office has what I will call “happy lights” and invite people to stop by and “worship” the light for about 15 minutes per day during the winter. Sounds a bit cult-like - I think I’ll buy my own if necessary. I had this problem when I first moved up north and have not experienced anything like it. As of right now, I can’t say it is affecting me too much. I just wonder if the kids keep me busy so that I have no time to be depressed.

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